Step-by-Step Instructions for Writing a Biography on the MIGRA Platform
- Go to the page
- Registration: Click on the tab REGISTRATION (one-time-only) and follow the instructions there.
- Getting to the MIGRA publication form
- Click on the tab MY ACCOUNT.
- Enter your username or email address and password in the appropriate fields.
- Click on the “+ NEW” at the top left and choose “edition” to create a new post with post type “edition”.
- Enter a title.
- Entering Data
- Ignore the first input field and enter your own biographical information and the text of the biography (note: maximum characters with empty spaces 18000) in the next corresponding fields (we have made some suggestions re. the contents of the chapters to provide some structure to these articles, but you are free to define your chapters independently and as you please. You should add a header for each chapter starting with a new roman number).
- You can save your text and edit it at any later date. To do this, select “Save Draft” in the top on the right. To continue composing your article click on “editions” in the left manual and select your post.
- You can see what your biography will look like on the MIGRA website at any time under “Preview”.
- Alternatively, you can compose your article in a regular Word-file, structure it accordingly, count the characters and then copy and paste the text into the field. Be sure to check the formatting and adjust it, if necessary. (Footnotes do not transfer automatically but have to be added mannually as describes under 5a.)
- References and Sources
- For a footnote, write the reference without spaces between [ note ][ /note ].
- Put all your references and sources in the Works Cited (in your article).
- Please follow the Chicago Manual of Style. More information and a stylesheet can be found here.
- Images
- If you have an image, please upload it in the Images field by clicking on the “Add Image” button. Go to “Upload Files” and upload the image from your computer. Add an Alternative text on the left. (This is not the same as the captions!) You can find instructions for a good Alternative text here. Then select “Select” at the bottom right.
- We will only publish images if you have correctly completed our rights form. You can find more information on this page.
- When you are finished, click on “Submit for Review”. Then, please send an email to
If you encounter technical problems, please contact: